Cerebral palsy normally occurs when there is damage to the brain either during or just after birth. This damage can range from child to child from very severe to very mild. The type and severity of the Cerebral Palsy will Depend on the part and extent of the brain damage.
Within Conductive Education we have an excellent depth of knowledge around the types of Cerebral Palsy and how to create learning programmes which allow the adult or child to reach new levels of independence. We use our observations along with our expertise to teach and provide learning experiences where the person can progress and develop. We see exciting new skills emerge from both our children and adults! From children rolling for the first time, maintaining a sitting position, or stepping for the first time are honoured to see many firsts within Conductive Education.
The same is said for adult Cerebral Palsy! We see our adults learning every week brand new way of completing different tasks and becoming more independent. Some of our generic aims within a Conductive Education session for Cerebral Palsy include increasing range of movement, reducing the effects of muscle tightness, improving mobility, improving speech, and increasing self-esteem and independence. Our programmes are taught in a range of different positions, starting from lying position and finishing with standing. Our task is built up algorithmically to ensure learning happens in an organised and logical way. We take time to make sure each individual within the group has the correct facilitation and differentiation, so every person achieves success. Individual sessions are available too.