Conductive Education is a unique system specifically designed for people with movement disorders.
Within Conductive Education we believe that everyone has potential to learn. For children who are hitting the age appropriate milestones of development at the correct times learning these skills is automatic; they do not need to be broken down. However, for children with cerebral palsy and other motor delay conditions, skills need to be taught until they can also become automatic.
As Conductors, we look at the potential of these children and look at the next stage of learning. No step is too big or too small; from gaining head control to being able to take their first independent steps, we work with the child on their exciting journey to successful development; motivating them to work towards their never-ending new level of potential.
The same is said for adults with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Brain Injury and adult Cerebral Palsy. For adults who have lost skills due to a form of brain damage we work with them, one step at a time, to start to regain the independence that has been lost. We break down different every day skills to teach the “hows” and then build the skills back while ensuring learning has taken place. We use a variety of different tools to do this, each tool is unique to the different conditions. Due to our extensive knowledge of adult movement disorders we are able to offer relevant advice and support, while encouraging active movement and progression.